
我們都是蒙娜麗莎 當代篇: 蒙娜麗莎MIT


影像長度: 2分51秒


為歡慶高美館19周年生日快樂,邀請19位當代藝術家,以充滿創意、詼諧與多元媒材的語言,呈現在地語言思維與西方哲思碰撞激盪的精采面貌, 從理想「美」的概念展開迷人的跨時空對話。


Mona Lisa Made in Taiwan
KMFA has always been proactive in introducing into Kaohsiung historical and modern vital trends of arts around the world by holding international exhibitions that showcase creations by world-level art masters and providing the platform for dialogues between local artists and their counterparts from other countries. Together with the Leonardo: Mona Lisa—The Myths exhibition, KMFA launched the "Mona Lisa Made in Taiwan" project. In this project of contemporary art creation, 19 contemporary artists were invited to celebrate KMFA's 19th anniversary by using their humorous and creative artistic rhetoric to create works using diversified creative media. Their works is on display in this special exhibition to demonstrate the exciting sparks from the collision and communication between Taiwanese and Western concepts of ideal beauty.

King Cola, Li Ming-Tse, Isa Ho, Lee Wen-Cheng, Tu Peih-Shih, Jam Wu, Chou Chu-Wang, Lin Ching-Fong, Dondon Hounwn, Chiu Yu-Feng, Liu I-Lan, Chang Li Ren, Chang En-Tzu, Chang Teng Yuan, Chen Yun, Chen Ching-Yuan, Huang Chien-Hua, Yang Pei-Chi, Lu Ming-Te
