


影像長度: 3分3秒

展期: 2013.06.15~2013.09.29
地點: 高雄市立美術館201-203展覽室

米開朗基羅(Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, 1475-1564)與達文西、拉斐爾並稱義大利文藝復興三傑。作為一名偉大的畫家、建築師、雕刻家與詩人,他的藝術是義大利文藝復興時期人文主義的最高典範,他將古典主義的文化傳統推至巔峰,更是矯飾主義的開創者、巴洛克主義的鼻祖。米開朗基羅撼動人心的創作為西洋美術史開拓嶄新格局,其藝術理念更為當時與後來藝術發展脈絡帶來至深、至遠的影響。

更多展覽資訊 (含作品圖片、票價)

The Divine Michelangelo
This special exhibition is jointly curated by Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Media Sphere Communications, and Casa Bounarroti. It showcases replicas of the classic frescos, sculptures and architecture design works by Michelangelo and, for the first time in Taiwan, several valuable authentic letters, sketch drawings and manuscripts by this Renaissance art master. The exhibition is composed of five sections: (1) Michelangelo in Private (his looks, private life and studio); (2) Michelangelo's Sculpture and Painting (including life-size replicas of the David and Pietà as well as several of his frescos); (3) Michelangelo's Architecture and Poetry; (4) Da Vinci vs. Michelangelo; and (5) Authentic Manuscripts from Casa Bounarroti.
