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  • 影像長度:6分31秒

高美館首次發行 在地視覺藝術影像資料庫







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  • 影像長度:3分33秒

我們都是蒙娜麗莎經典篇 蒙娜麗莎500年:達文西傳奇
Leonardo-Mona Lisa-The Myths



It was like a man who wakes up too early in darkness, while the others are still fully asleep.
-Sigmund Freud's description of Leonardo da Vinci, 1910

達文西與《蒙娜麗莎》,一位是古今往來的曠世天才,另一則是舉世最著名的畫作,其所交織而成的神話與謎團,是藝術史與當今文化的關鍵話題,引發後世無止盡地追逐與想像。「我們都是蒙娜麗莎經典篇-蒙娜麗莎500年:達文西傳奇」與義大利達文西理想博物館合作,呈現自文藝復興以降,達文西及其合作者創作之重量級油畫原作,包括研判由達文西與合作者共同完成之第三件《岩洞中聖母》等,除此之外更囊括多位現代藝術巨匠,諸如杜象(Marcel Duchamp)、雷捷(Fernand Leger)、哈爾斯曼(Philippe Halsman)等人對蒙娜麗莎的經典改造,展覽預計展出125件包含畫作、實體模型等精彩創作,帶您穿越時空500年,一次看盡文藝復興迄今最經典豐盛之藝術饗宴。

★ 本展覽共分4區 ★

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更多詳細展覽資訊 (作品圖片)

女人‧小鳥‧星星:米羅特展 Joan Miró: Women, Birds, Stars

  • 點閱率:1
  • 影像長度:3分4秒

高雄市立美術館 女人‧小鳥‧星星:米羅特展








我們都是蒙娜麗莎-兒童篇 小小蒙娜麗莎

  • 點閱率:1
  • 影像長度:3分17秒

◎ 給家長的話





➽ 參展藝術家:王孟婷、李瑾倫、林小杯、曹俊彥、唐唐、洪添賢、張瑛玲、黃麗娟、湯姆牛、劉伯樂、陳致元、達姆、潘昀珈、鄒駿昇

協辦單位:時藝多媒體 / 媒體協辦:高雄廣播電台

高雄市立美術館 展覽資訊(作品圖片)

Little Mona Lisa
We Are All Mona Lisas—A Letter for Parents

◎ About this Exhibition—A Letter for Parents

Mona Lisa, also called La Joconde in French or La Gioconda in Italian, is created by Leonardo da Vinci. However, people do not know much about this painting.

Who was actually the model in the painting? When did da Vinci start the painting? Who commissioned the painting? Did the client receive the painting? Why did da Vinci carry this painting around with him? When da Vinci was alive, there were already a group of followers, making imitations of his works. For example, Raphael painted several portraits in who the models posed just like that in Mona Lisa. Since the beginning of the 16th century, there have been a deluge of portraits of dressed or nude females in the Mona Lisa pose. These kinds of works are called "Giocondas" or "Giocandas". The innovation of da Vinci in his Mona Lisa has changed the tradition of portraits.

With so many mysteries about it, Mona Lisa has become a captivating symbol of art and culture. Many artists in the past imitated this painting in order to appreciate and learn about da Vinci's painting skills. By contrast, modern artists focus more on innovation and, instead of imitating the painting, they infuse their own creativity and twist into Mona Lisa to express their own ideas. For example, there is a re-interpretation of Mona Lisa rich in sarcasm by Duchamp, a narcissistic version of Mona Lisa by Dali... and many, many other different versions of Mona Lisa with metaphoric, poetic and introspective messages about life, technology and a wide variety of topics. In the modern context, there are kaleidoscopic images of Mona Lisa for people's eyes.

This exhibition tells different stories about Mona Lisa, guiding viewers to meet different kinds of Mona Lisa in different times and spaces. In addition, there are imaginary and childlike re-interpretations of Mona Lisa by contemporary Taiwanese illustrators, adding more fun into the story-telling of this exhibition. There are also outfits especially designed for Mona Lisa by contemporary designs. This exhibition is intended to provide children opportunities of exploring different artistic styles and creative materials and coming up with their unique re-interpretations of Mona Lisa through their hand-on experiences and observations.


  • 點閱率:1
  • 影像長度:3分3秒

展期: 2013.06.15~2013.09.29
地點: 高雄市立美術館201-203展覽室

米開朗基羅(Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, 1475-1564)與達文西、拉斐爾並稱義大利文藝復興三傑。作為一名偉大的畫家、建築師、雕刻家與詩人,他的藝術是義大利文藝復興時期人文主義的最高典範,他將古典主義的文化傳統推至巔峰,更是矯飾主義的開創者、巴洛克主義的鼻祖。米開朗基羅撼動人心的創作為西洋美術史開拓嶄新格局,其藝術理念更為當時與後來藝術發展脈絡帶來至深、至遠的影響。

更多展覽資訊 (含作品圖片、票價)

The Divine Michelangelo
This special exhibition is jointly curated by Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Media Sphere Communications, and Casa Bounarroti. It showcases replicas of the classic frescos, sculptures and architecture design works by Michelangelo and, for the first time in Taiwan, several valuable authentic letters, sketch drawings and manuscripts by this Renaissance art master. The exhibition is composed of five sections: (1) Michelangelo in Private (his looks, private life and studio); (2) Michelangelo's Sculpture and Painting (including life-size replicas of the David and Pietà as well as several of his frescos); (3) Michelangelo's Architecture and Poetry; (4) Da Vinci vs. Michelangelo; and (5) Authentic Manuscripts from Casa Bounarroti.

我們都是蒙娜麗莎 當代篇: 蒙娜麗莎MIT

  • 點閱率:1
  • 影像長度:2分51秒


為歡慶高美館19周年生日快樂,邀請19位當代藝術家,以充滿創意、詼諧與多元媒材的語言,呈現在地語言思維與西方哲思碰撞激盪的精采面貌, 從理想「美」的概念展開迷人的跨時空對話。


Mona Lisa Made in Taiwan
KMFA has always been proactive in introducing into Kaohsiung historical and modern vital trends of arts around the world by holding international exhibitions that showcase creations by world-level art masters and providing the platform for dialogues between local artists and their counterparts from other countries. Together with the Leonardo: Mona Lisa—The Myths exhibition, KMFA launched the "Mona Lisa Made in Taiwan" project. In this project of contemporary art creation, 19 contemporary artists were invited to celebrate KMFA's 19th anniversary by using their humorous and creative artistic rhetoric to create works using diversified creative media. Their works is on display in this special exhibition to demonstrate the exciting sparks from the collision and communication between Taiwanese and Western concepts of ideal beauty.

King Cola, Li Ming-Tse, Isa Ho, Lee Wen-Cheng, Tu Peih-Shih, Jam Wu, Chou Chu-Wang, Lin Ching-Fong, Dondon Hounwn, Chiu Yu-Feng, Liu I-Lan, Chang Li Ren, Chang En-Tzu, Chang Teng Yuan, Chen Yun, Chen Ching-Yuan, Huang Chien-Hua, Yang Pei-Chi, Lu Ming-Te

袁旃 細说 A Heart Enflamed

  • 點閱率:1
  • 影像長度:12分57秒

Yuan Jai 袁旃 (1941- ): pivotal artist of Chinese paintings from Taiwan.
Her vibrant use of mineral colors on silk, an 8th century T'ang technique, initiates a conversation between the ancient past and the contemporary art scene.
Now, on view at Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art, Visionary Mind Exhibition until June 24, 2012

Yuan Jai, 袁旃
Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art (高雄美術館),
Art, 美術
Chinese ink painting 重彩畫
My Humble House Gallery (寒舍空間),
Chen Yao-chi 陳耀圻
Mini Movie 微電影

資料筆數 【17】頁數【2/2】